THEME 1The fragmentation and regulation of large rivers, and the drastic changes in the hydrological regime caused by dams are suggested to be one of the major disturbances to aquatic ecosystem functions and biodiversity.
By taking a multidisciplinary approach, we examine the ecological processes that drive food web dynamics, community structure and trophic interactions in reservoirs and suggest indicators to be used in LCA. |
There is a recent interest in understanding the structure, organization and evolution of socio-ecological systems to better reconcile biodiversity conservation and the provision of ecosystem services with human well being.
To understand these processes, we need to use different approaches and disciplines. |
Spatial ecosystem management and ecosystem restoration can increase the viability and persistence of fragmented, exploited, or threatened populations, can also increase harvesting success locally and can preserve biodiversity.
We need to understand the mechanisms modulating demographic processes and species interactions in a complex mosaic of habitats, as well as the effects of anthropogenic effects. |
THEME 4Diverse projects and interests I worked on over the years in collaboration with some incredible colleagues and students!
Limnotron; Zoop spatio-temporal dynamics and functional responses |