Great activity do to with the kiddos. The Amphibian Population Monitoring Program led by the Ecomuseum, aims to identify long term trends in frog populations in Quebec. Frog call routes are 8 km in length and distributed throughout Quebec. Each route must be visited twice during the spring months. At each station, the observer listens to frog calls for 3 minutes, then identifies and records the species heard. The data are used to compare changes in abundance of the frog species monitored.
Professional services and other experiences
Leader of the Fisheries discussion group, University of Guelph – 2011-2013
Graduate students representative - hiring process of one faculty position in Animal Behavior in the Department of Biology, McGill University - spring 2010
Member of the graduate student committee for the Organismal Seminar Series in the Biology Department, McGill University - 2009
Creator and editor in chief of the Aqua Vitalis, a journal created for the GRÉA (Groupe de Recherche en Écologie Aquatique; Aquatic ecosystem research group) at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières - 2001-2003
Member of the Scientific Committee
Interdisciplinary project on the value of ecosystem services of the Lake St-Pierre in a context of climate change - PIs: Drs. Hie and Poder (U. Sherbrooke) - Ouranos and Resources Canada fund – 2014 - 2017
CFRN (Canadian Fisheries Research Network; students/PDF representative) 2011 - 2013
Member of the Organization committee (congress, symposium)
CCFFR (Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research), Montreal, January 2017
CFRN (Canadian Fisheries Reserach Network), 3rd Annual general assembly, Toronto, February 2013
SQEBC (Société Québécoise de l’étude biologique du comportement), Montreal, November 2010
JMIH (Joint meeting for Itchyologists and herpetologists), Montreal, July 2008